This workshop is an elective course for MANL’s Museums Studies Certificate Program.
Dates: November 18 & 25, 2022
Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm NST
ANLA / MANL Member Workshop Fee: $30.00
Workshop Format: Online
Workshop Instructor: Tom Strang
Registration is open to members of the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives (ANLA) and the Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANL).
Workshop Description: This series focuses on integrated pest management (IPM), including how to identify pests and understand their capacity to endanger objects and evade control. Participants will learn to evaluate effective ways of reducing pest numbers through specific control methods available to heritage professionals and the risks these methods may pose to collections. Participants will also review how to develop an IPM plan. The target audience is staff and volunteers of cultural facilities who are responsible for the physical integrity, research or exhibition of cultural property collections, which may all be impacted by pest activity.
Upon completion of this series, participants will be able to
• recognize and identify organisms that are detrimental to the longevity of collections
• respond to the discovery of pests by choosing from a suite of options and
• assess cultural property for pest risks and propose an IPM plan to mitigate them
Hosts: Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives (ANLA) & Museum Association of Newfoundland & Labrador (MANL)
To Register:
Please contact ANLA (contact information below) and provide your name, contact information, organization (if applicable) and indicate if you are a member of ANLA* or MANL**. You will be invoiced for your registration fee. Cheque, money order or credit card payments accepted.
For more information:
Mary Ellen Wright
Telephone: 709-726-2867
Email: anla@nf.aibn.com
Anne Madden
Telephone: 709-722-9034
Email: manl@nf.aibn.com