MANL Awards Program
In order to honour individuals or institutions that have made significant contributions to the preservation of our natural and cultural heritage and to the development of museums, the Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador initiated an Awards Program.
The Awards program is intended not only to acknowledge but also to raise public awareness of museums and museum people. The successful recipients of awards in the categories listed will receive a certificate acknowledging their contributions. A maximum of two awards will be given for each category in a given year.
To meet the eligibility criteria, the nominator must be a MANL member, individual or institutional. The nominee may be volunteers (unpaid persons involved in the heritage field), professionals (any persons employed by a heritage organization), organizations (non-profit societies) or corporations involved in heritage preservation. The seconder has to be a member of good standing in the community.
All submissions will be assessed by the Awards Committee. Judgments by the committee will be based solely on the strength of the information submitted with the nomination package. If the committee is unable to identify suitable recipients in any given category, no award will be given in that category.
The announcement of these awards will take place during MANL’s Annual General Meeting and Conference. Presentations will occur during the banquet. Nominations of individuals or institutions that deserve recognition for their contributions to the museum field are invited for the following categories: Award of Merit and Honorary Life Membership.
Award of Merit
The Award of Merit recognizes significant contributions to the practice of museum and heritage work in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is awarded to an organization, agency, or individual for an outstanding, innovative or creative achievement in the museum, gallery or heritage field, or in any area related to the preservation and development of the provinces cultural heritage, including research, collection, documentation, exhibition, public programming and management.
Honorary Life Membership
The Life Membership recognizes any outstanding contribution in heritage by an individual who has exemplified dedication to and promotion of museums in the province.
The Awards Nomination Form is available from the MANL office. Please email to receive a nomination form or for more information.