About Our Conference & AGM

Join us for an in-person opportunity to explore what binds us as heritage organizations! MANL, ANLA and Heritage NL are working together to help you build ideas and tell your communities’ stories. We want to hear from you, what you need from us to do that!

We are all looking forward to seeing you on October 25th and 26th at The Rooms to explore what binds us!


Registration rates:

Members of MANL/ANLA $165

Non-members $195

Registered Students $100

Lunch on Friday and Saturday is included with registration.

Members Night will include some refreshments and live entertainment by Hamilton Sound

Registration deadline is October 16th, end of day.

To register, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/CBTcLU2d8DLfEFX9A

Apply for the CMA Bursary!

You can apply for a Conference Bursary with CMA but you need to ACT NOW!

The deadline to apply is 4 weeks before the conference. September 27th is the deadline and they approve grants based on first come first serve: https://museums.ca/site/bursaries/conference#deadline


If you have any questions please email heritageconference@museumsnl.ca

Registered Charity Number: 107756199RR0001