The Museum Association of NL is encouraging all MANL members to celebrate Museum Day NL 2023. Held annually on the second Saturday in July, Museum Day NL provides an opportunity to highlight and promote museums, galleries, and heritage sites throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.
Located in every region of the province, museums are an integral part of Newfoundland and Labrador’s cultural fabric. Museum Day NL was created by MANL to promote our membership, who we support through training, communication, advocacy and standards of excellence.
This annual event demonstrates that museums are an integral component of our provincial cultural and tourism infrastructure and contribute to lifelong learning, creating distinct and vibrant communities to live, work, visit, and invest.
Please let us know what you have planned for Museum Day NL 2023 so we can help promote your events and programs. We invite everyone to use hashtag #MuseumDayNL2023 and #MuseumsInNL on all your social media posts.