Over the Top Museum

The Town of Birchy Bay The residence of the late Peter and Ida Quinlan of Birchy Bay, built in 1916, houses the Over the Top Museum. Birchy Bay was first settled by fishermen from Fogo Island who would winter in the sheltered bays in winter tilts and cut timber from

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Point Leamington Heritage Centre

Point Leamington Heritage Council The Point Leamington Heritage Centre operates as an arm of the Point Leamington Town Council. The centre consists of two buildings which were moved to its current location, from elsewhere, in the community. One of the buildings has historic significance. It was the home of Aunt

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Rose Blanche Lighthouse

RB Lighthouse Inc. The granite Rose Blanche Lighthouse and attached lightkeeper’s living quarters was originally built 1871 -1873 and restored 1996-1999. At the time of restoration only the tower portion remained. It contains artefacts in every room. The lighthouse, which is the only granite lighthouse in Atlantic Canada, is open

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