The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives (ANLA) and the Museums Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANL) invite their members to register for Response Ready? Developing an Emergency Response Plan for Heritage Institutions, an online workshop presented by The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI). As an active participant, you will learn about the objectives of emergency response, and the key components that make up a plan that is suitable for heritage institutions.
The online workshop comprises twelve 60-minute sessions, grouped into five highly interactive modules. The modules will be scheduled over a period of five to six months. Participation in the online workshop will involve:
- attendance at a 20-minute technical trial session in late October
- attendance at all sessions for all five workshop modules,
- reviewing workshop resource materials prior to each module (15–30 minutes) and
- completing exercises between the sessions for each module (1–2 hours).
Since the emergency planning process benefits from multiple perspectives, we encourage participation by up to three people per heritage institution. Ideally, the participants are responsible for emergency incident management. Due to the interactive nature of this online workshop, attendance in the online sessions is restricted to 10 institutions. The minimum enrollment requirement is five institutions.
This workshop is well suited for heritage professionals who are responsible for writing & implementing an Emergency Response Plan, especially those in heritage institutions that have no plan or an outdated plan.
Registration Fee: $30.00 per organization (ANLA & MANL Members)
Please email MANL (manl@nf.aibn.com) providing the names of up three people who will be particpating from your heritage organization.
LANGUAGE(S): English
Mandatory equipment & software: computer with audio & video capabilities + desktop version of Zoom
Reponse Ready Workshop Modules