The Old Perlican Heritage Committee
The Beckett Heritage Property depicts a typical fisherman’s home during the early 1900’s with its popular mansard roof. The property includes a root cellar, well, small barn, hen house, and associated vegetable garden. The wood house, stable, and hen’s pen were modified but its present form still reminds us of fisherman’s self-sufficient lifestyle in this area. The home has a kitchen, pantry, parlor, and bedroom restored and furnished as it was in 1902. The rest of the rooms are used as a Veterans Gallery, a Fishermans Gallery, and two rooms to display general artifacts.
The building was designated as a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador on September 15th, 2001, and was restored in the summer of 2002.
Make sure to visit Fisherman’s Store & Flake Museum while you’re in the area.
Categories: All, Architecture, Avalon, Designated Building, Fishery, Heritage Building, Regional Listings
Beckett Heritage House
538-540 Main Street
Old Perlican, Newfoundland A0A 3G0 Canada
Open July – September.