Pilley’s Island Heritage Museum

Pilley’s Island Heritage Society Inc. Pilley’s Island is a small town with a big history. The mining of pyrite began at Pilley’s Island in 1887. By 1899 Pilley’s Island could boast of having a courthouse for the area, six merchant establishments and a hotel serving not only the town’s population

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Peterview Heritage Centre

Heritage Society of Peterview The Peterview Heritage Centre displays artifacts and a pictorial history of Peterview. Ongoing research includes obtaining artifacts from the Beothuck era for display. The Heritage Society of Peterview maintains the Peterview Heritage Center and old Anglican cemetery. Wheelchair accessible.

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Over the Top Museum

The Town of Birchy Bay The residence of the late Peter and Ida Quinlan of Birchy Bay, built in 1916, houses the Over the Top Museum. Birchy Bay was first settled by fishermen from Fogo Island who would winter in the sheltered bays in winter tilts and cut timber from

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Old School House Museum

The Town of Fogo Island The Old Schoolhouse is a rectangular, single-storey former school building with symmetrically placed wooden windows along the sides, a steeply pitched gable roof, and a front gable-end entry porch with wooden doors. It is located next to Our Lady of the Snows Roman Catholic Church

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Old Post Office

The Town of Fogo Island The original Post Office in Tilting was established in 1887 and it was set up as a waystation. For many years it was located in the local fishing premises of Patrick Bryan and Sons. Patrick Bryan was awarded the contract to build the new post

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North Atlantic Aviation Museum

The Museum’s collection focuses on North Atlantic aviation history as it pertains to Gander and Gander International Airport from the 1930’s to the present, with the bulk of artifacts, photos and text centering on the WWII years through the early jet age. Highlights of the collection include a 1940 Hudson

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Royal Canadian Legion Branch #12 Museum

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 12 Grand Falls The museum is dedicated to preserving the service of Newfoundlanders who served in both World Wars, the Korean War and peacekeeping missions around the world. Exhibits at the museum include the Royal Newfoundland Regiment from the Beaumont Hamel, France during World War I,

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Marconi Wireless Interpretation Centre

The Town of Fogo Island Perched high on the hill above the community of Fogo, get a great view of the community and learn about the early communications history of Fogo Island. Built in 1911 at the instigation of the Newfoundland government, the Marconi wireless station on Fogo Island was

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Long Island Heritage Center

Long Island Heritage Centre Corporation, Town of Lushes Bight-Beaumont-Beaumont North The Long Island Heritage Center site originally housed the Long Island Consumers Co-Operative Store from 1957 to 2002. Co-operative action was introduced in the early 1940’s by Jasper Rideout of Beaumont, Long Island from the Commission of Government. Local fishermen

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Lane House Museum

The Town of Fogo Island The Lane House is the oldest house in Tilting and won the Southcott Award, for excellence in preserving the architectural heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1997. It was built prior to 1836 by Irish cooper Augustin MacNamara (known as “Augie Mac”). Augie Mac came

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