2022 AGM & Conference Survey
MANL’s 2022 AGM & Conference is just a few months away and we need feedback from our membership by March 11, 2022! All MANL members received a very short (1 question) survey recently via email. If you did not receive the survey, please let MANL know. 2022 MANL AGM SURVEY:
MANL Membership Renewal
April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023 It’s almost time to renew your MANL Membership! Institutional and Individual Memberships are available. MANL Institutional Membership Form 2022-23 MANL Institutional MembershipAnnual Fee: $60.00This membership category is suitable for any organization, including museums, heritage societies, galleries etc. interested in the preservation and promotion
Young Canada Works Virtual Application Workshop
Young Canada Works Virtual Application WorkshopDate: January 10, 2022Time: 1 pmFacilitator: Louise Pitre, Program Officer, YCW at Building Careers in Heritage, Canadian Museums Association The Canadian Museums Association is offering MANL members an opportunity to participate in a Young Canada Works Virtual Application Workshop. This presentation will guide potential employers
MANL Museum Announcements
Want to stay up to date on MANL activities and other exciting Museum news? Join our weekly newsletter today! You do not need to be a member of MANL to subscribe. MANL members are invited to submit their news, events, fundraisers and more! Email MANL today!
Introduction to Collections Management Workshop
The Introduction to Collections Management Workshop is one of the core courses for MANL's Museum Studies Certificate Program.
Virtual Town Hall: MANL TRAINING
POSTPONED! NEW TOWN HALL DATE: November 30, 2021!MANL members are invited to register for the next virtual town hall hosted by MANL.Join the discussion on MANL Training and give us your feedback.Time: 7 pmFormat: Zoom meetingTo register, please email manl@nf.aibn.com
MANL Membership Renewal
The MANL Membership year is April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Individual and Institutional Memberships are available.