Gander International Lounge

Gander International Lounge Foundation Exalted by the NY Times as “perfectly preserved, the terminal is a time capsule from the heady days when travel was exotic, and airports were beacons of the future.” The international lounge was opened with the blessing of QE2 in 1959. Architects consider it Canada’s most

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Random Passage Site and Tea Room

Cape Random Trust Inc. Constructed in 2000 for the filming of the international TV mini-series “Random Passage” the site today provides the opportunity to step back in time to learn about the obstacles and opportunities our forebears faced during early settlement. Enjoy a compelling, immersive and experiential journey into the

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Fort Point Lighthouse Interpretation Centre

Trinity Historical Society Inc. Fort Point, also known as Admiral’s Point, was fortified in 1746 with three batteries mounting 18  guns, a store house, a powder magazine, barracks for 224 soldiers and a pavilion for 9 officers, all surrounded by parapets and palisades.  During the 1740s, the Fort was garrisoned

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Lester-Garland House

Trinity Historical Society Inc. Reconstructed in 1996-97 to the design, structure and architectural details of the house first built in the 1760s and refurbished in 1819, this Georgian style house was the first structure of its kind in the province. Home to the Poole-Newfoundland based mercantile families of the Lesters’

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Mistaken Point Interpretive Centre

     Mistaken Point Cape Race Heritage Inc. The Mistaken Point Interpretive Centre is the starting point for your explorations at the edge of Avalon. Come in to visit and view a detailed interpretive map of the area, receive directions for hiking trails, and check out the bulletin board for

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Torbay History House & Museum

Town of Torbay The Torbay Museum’s mission is to engage both Torbay residents and visitors in an exploration of the Town’s rich heritage. This is accomplished through active programs, exhibitions, and sharing collations in the Museum’s historic property and throughout the community. The Museum believes that an understanding of our

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Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Gallery

Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (CCNL) The Craft Council Gallery is one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier venues for the exhibition of fine craft, one-of-a-kind and craft-based art. Exceptionally refined traditional techniques meet cutting-edge contemporary work in up to twenty-three solo, duo, and group exhibitions annually. A vast range

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Heritage Committee of Witless Bay

Town of Witless Bay The Heritage Committee of Witless Bay was formed in 2004 and now consists of 13 full time members and is very active in the town. One of the committee’s main projects is promoting the book “Bygone Days of Witless Bay” which won the Manning Award in

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